Fishy Tales

29 April 2005

Important Discoveries

Something up to now omitted from my profile and links, though referred to here and there on - I love beer. Let me remedy the omission in one fell swoop :
  • By "beer" I mean, of course Real Ale as so ardently promoted by CAMRA. I have to say I'm also partial to an occasional quality (i.e. pure ingredients) lager, such as Budvar the real Budweiser and good ol' Becks. No, not David Beckham, Mum.
  • Legendary local ale is Harvey's. I just have to keep reminding myself how good it is. You can order their beers (and plenty of other goodies) through their online shop, and have them delivered to your door, wherever you live. A polypin or two of Sussex Best goes down rather well at parties, and it's well worth having a crate of Armada around on a continual basis. Well, in the ideal world you would just live in "Lewes Cathedral", i.e. the Harvey's Brewery.
  • There are plenty of other ales I enjoy/have enjoyed, but I think I'll just throw in a blog reference when I next partake of them, e.g. at the South Downs Beer Festival or even the eagerly-awaited second Barcombe Beer Festival.
  • Same goes for bottled ales (whether "live" or not). But I do want to throw in a reference to my latest discovery, seeing as that's what got me writing on this theme in the first place: Brakspear Triple . This stuff is bloody gorgeous. Demand they get it in at your local offy/shop/supermarket. And if you know of something better, please do let me know about it!
Cheers m'dears. I'm off to crack a bottle of Goliath (damn good wetty that comes in a nice big bottle, courtesy of Wychwood, the creators of the famous Hobgoblin).

As one does, I've just noticed that there's some kind of alliance between Wychwood and Brakspear. There's a fine show that's going to run and run. Until it happily falls over, not feeling a thing...


  • Hey! The Anglo-Dutch equivalent of Alan Sugar has a blog!

    Happy Birthday, NSM.

    I prefer ESB to Pride these days, have to say. With an occasional swing for 1845. Something to do with not having the brewery local and drinking gottled geer most of the time, I expect.

    But the Brakspear's Triple knocks spots off all of them.

    Is Forbidden Fruit a Trappist beer? Any links? Can you order it over here?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/5/05 20:36  

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